Description of my learning process

Throughout this project, before taking CMT119 Computatianal Thinking, my understanding of programming was based on a little C languages I learned in my undergraduate years, but I don’t know anything about web design and front-end design. After taking this course, I learned that web design is composed of HTML and CSS technologies, and both are indispensable. The JS language we are about to learn also provides some support for web page design. The relationship between the three is as shown in Figure 1, it can use different elements to make the content of a web page more vivid and beautiful, rather than simple text content and buttons, which greatly increases the viewer's interest in the web page.

Analysis of my learning process

In the process of learning, I have constantly realized that it is often not enough to use the knowledge taught by the teacher in class to solve problems. although waiting for the teacher to pass on the knowledge seems to be the habitual thinking of Chinese students. According to Courtney and Du (2015), the Chinese education system focuses on teaching and instilling basic theoretical knowledge, and the British education system needs to rely more on students' after-school learning. Therefore, I began to try to find more learning videos and materials from the school's learning center or its programming website on the network to enrich my knowledge system. However, I soon found that just entering knowledge from learning videos or materials without spending more time on practice did not enable me to make a website that satisfied me because of the lack of trial and error experience. Therefore, I’ve started to change the methods or habits of learning .For instance, reading the whole chapter slides firstly bymyself and then write down some summary which I totally remembered through out the process. Subsquencely, watching the lecture vedio and adding some important message in my summary which I’ve missed in the last step.Finally, I would pick the all slide’s exercise out and practice them in my own device which would generate the last but not least part of the content my summary. Many psychologists also believe that failure is the most powerful source of learning. According to the Thorndike law of effect, the negative consequences that accompany failure can be used as to Ellis et al.(2014) reflecting on the reasons when encountering mistakes can give learners a firmer grasp of the relevant knowledge or skills. Therefore, I think that after learning the materials and videos, summarizing the knowledge and actually doing it, such as actually programming and constantly running to fix errors, is the key to learning this and other subsequent courses.

Conclusion & action Plan

Ultimately, I managed to master the main knowledge content of HTML and CSS technology in three weeks, and produced a relatively satisfactory website result. In the future learning, I think it is necessary to reasonably arrange the time for knowledge input and the time for one's own practical operation and summary in mistakes to ensure that the core content of each course is mastered with the highest efficiency. For example, using the 40% time to learn the learning materials first, using the last 40% to practice excercises and using the remaining 20% to watch tutor’s lecture. I believe that all these acquired skills will be used in my future study life and career, which will greatly improve personal efficiency instead of just rely on inputing knowleage without massive practicing and summarizing which could lead me cannot really handle a lot of knowlage .

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